Thursday, November 7, 2019

Overview of the Russian Revolution essays

Overview of the Russian Revolution essays There were two revolutions in Russia in 1917. One was in February in which the czarist regime was overthrown, and a republic was established led by the Duma. The communists overthrew the Duma and held elections. Lenin did not win the election but seized power anyway. This caused the civil in October. In the October revolution, the Bolsheviks (reds) fought and defeated the Mensheviks ( the whites ). The Russian Revolution changed the course of Russia causing them to become a superpower which gave Russia the ability to change the world. The first Leader of the U.S.S.R. was Lenin. Lenin was a strong, influential, and charismatic leader. He rallied the people of Russia around him and promised them more equality. The people of Russia loved Lenin even though he ruled for a very short time. Lenin died in 1924, but before his death, he warned of future leader Stalin's brutal strategies and tactics. Russia became a communist country because of Lenin and many other people, but Lenin set the course for Russian greatness and power over the next seventy years. Under Stalin, Russia became a superpower and the second most industrialized country in the world, however at a heavy price. Throughout Stalin's period of rule, he introduced multiple five-year plans that caused Russia to put everything into the industry and did greatly industrialize the country. However, due to Stalin's great focus on industry Russia had shortages in other areas. There were not enough farms, farmers, or food to feed and provide for the people of Russi a. Many Russian died of starvation and other things during Stalin's period of rule, but Stalin did not care about these deaths. Stalin kept putting more into the industry and as a result of this Russian people kept dying. Stalin's main goal was to make Russia more industrialized and powerful which he accomplished at the expense of many Russian lives. After the Russian Revolution the world reconsidered the emphasis given to...

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