Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Chinese traditional value Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Chinese traditional value - Essay Example However, the Chinese traditional values demonstrate the rich history of Confucian culture that emphasis on respect for the elderly and caring for the needy. As far as cultural values are trusted as vital elements in determining the behaviors of members of the society, it is not possible to hear, touch or even taste their existence. This is because cultural values are passionately contained within the hearts of the members of the society where it would be maintained through all dynasties. In contrary to western countries, Chinese has its own unique values, very distinct in terms of morals standards and attitudes some of as identified below (Hofstede 243).THESIS: Chinese traditional values significantly differ with the western traditional cultures. Chinese falls amongst the countries that experience high cultural contexts and for this reason, they exhibit a lot of collectivism in contrary to western countries which endorse a culture of individualism especially in terms of power, what has been gained or what is expected to be gained. Chinese has put at the forefront the recognition of collectivism and value to all members of the society. Their culture is an impediment and labeled with all efforts of synergy as everybody get equal measure of treatment as one unified group. Going by this cultural practice, Chinese value recognizes collectivism as compared to individual identity. Due to such reasons, much attention is given to group unity than self-attention and personal opinions. Moreover, they believed that anybody practicing self-assertive behavior is of disgrace to the society and should awarded no respect since he poses extreme danger on unity or peaceful coexistence between members of the group and the society at large. In s imple terms, all members of the group must harmonize co-existence with each other through allegiance, loyalty, participation and equitable sharing

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