Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Existentialism, By Jean Paul Sartre - 879 Words

It was in the 19 Th centuries where a French writer Jean-Paul Sartre who popularized the concept of existentialism this was during his play No Exit. Sartre explained Existentialism, which states on the belief that life has no meaning. Each is separate from all other individuals, so each person has the power to place himself in the position he wishes, that every individual is responsible for his actions. (Reynolds)People should be responsible for themselves rather than make excuses for the occurrences in their life, the belief that humans have free will. The play was published in 1943. In his plays introduces us to three main characters that are locked up in a room in hell. The first character is an assassinated journalist by the name of Garcia, believes that he is in hell for mistreating his wife. The second character is a postal worker and seduces her fellow women by the name Inez. The final character murdered her child which led to the child’s father committing suicide is called Estelle. The three characters in the play are intelligent and can figure out the situation none of the characters has a clue about the other although locked up in this room each character can be able to see what is happening on earth they can see their family and friends. These characters are locked up in eternity where they shall spend their time with people they dislike. In the room there are no mirrors or windows, bathrooms no one can eat, lights are always on, and the characters areShow MoreRelatedExistentialism, By Jean Paul Sartre1927 Words   |  8 PagesPhilosopher JP Sartre As a human beings, we have many choices that we need to make on a daily basis throughout our entire lives as well. Those choices that we make, may have consequences and may affect us or our family members in the long run. Therefore, throughout my essay I will give a summary from Jean Paul Sartre’s â€Å"Ethical Authenticity,† in chapter 10 and the â€Å"Existentialism is a Humanism,† his primary reading. I will also be answering the questions to the primary readings. Jean Paul Sartre was aRead MoreJean Paul Sartre : The Philosophy Of Existentialism1484 Words   |  6 PagesJean Paul Sartre is a philosopher that supports the philosophy of existentialism. Existentialism is a twentieth century philosophy that denies any crucial human nature and embraces that each of us produces our own essence through our free actions. Existentialists like Sartre believe there isn’t a God that determines people’s nature. So, existentialists believe that humans have no purpose or nature except the ones that they create for themselves. 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