Monday, February 17, 2020

Medical uses of algae Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words - 1

Medical uses of algae - Research Paper Example They include both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Algae both live and dead are being used by the humans. The fossil algal diatomite deposits in the shape of light but strong rocks are used as building materials and filtration media in water purification systems and swimming pools. Some fossil algae like Botryococcus are sources oil-rich deposits. Some other species of green algae are grown for obtaining bio chemicals for applications in medicine and cosmetics. The nuisance blue-green algae have beneficial uses especially Spirulina which is used as dietary supplement. The blue-green algae are better known as fresh water nuisance organisms which form as dense blooms affecting human activities through toxins generated by them, by clogging water courses and affecting recreational activities (Bellinger and Sigee). Alage has been described as organisms containing chlorophyll made up of one cell or grouped together in colonies or with many cells and at times joining together as simple tissues. Their sizes vary from unicellular of 3-10 um microns to giant kelps up to 70 mg long capable of growing 50 cm per day. They are found all over the earth in the sea, rivers, and lakes, also on soils and walls, in animal and plants (as symbionts-partners collaborating together) and it can just grow anywhere where light is available to conduct photosynthesis. Thus, alage are heterogeneous and identified in two major types: microalgae and microalgae. Microalgae grow in bentheic and littoral habitats and also in the ocean waters as Phytoplankton that comprises species such as diatoms, (bacillariophyta), dinoflagellates (dinophyta), green and yellow-brown flagellates (Chlorophyta; prasino-phyta; prymnesiophyta; cryptophyta, chrysophyta and rhaphdiophyta) and blue-green algae (cyano-phyta) (Gamal 1). Microalgal phyla provide chemical and pharmacological compounds besides bioactive compounds of marine resources back to compounds marine

Monday, February 3, 2020

Legal Aspects of Contract Adminitration (LAW) Coursework

Legal Aspects of Contract Adminitration (LAW) - Coursework Example The contract becomes valid only if it fulfilled all the legal requirements. Contract is the agreement enforceable by law so that agreement may be either for tender or for acceptance. The offer become valid only if it meets the entire requirement specified in the contract law in Australia. Those are as follows, There are normally six important ingredients essential for lawfully connecting the contract development. That are (1) agreement it consists of offer and acceptances made by the parties to the contract, (2) Offer must be made for the Consideration either in terms of money, property etc., (3) ability to enter lawful relationship between the parties to the contract it means the party to the contract must possess sound mind as well as majority of age, (4) Intention by the groups to enter into lawful affiliations, (5) must fulfill the requirement of the valid contract and (6) certainty. Contract may sometimes also turn into illegal contract if it fails to fulfill the requirements. The Australian lawful scheme is based on a basic faith in the rule of  law, fairness and the autonomy of the judiciary. An offer may be broken by revocation, rejection or drop. An acceptance is, usually conversation; a whole and ineffectual assent to the complete the circumstances that include an offer. Inten tions must be understandable and extremely a great deal evident previous to creation whichever contract. In this particular case Mr. A who thinks that he had concluded an agreement through Mr. B to buy a one third interest in D pvt. Limited from Mr. But at the same time Mr. B sold the same to Mr. C. On the other hand Mr. A notifies that he thinks an agreement among Mr. A and Mr. B to but the interest had previously been arrived at as the effect of two or three emails exchanged through Mr. B. In The first mail itself Mr. A sent Mr B a draft contract prepared through the lawyer on with no prejudice base. Second mail was sent by the Mr. B to Mr. A. In this