Thursday, October 31, 2019

Farming Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Farming - Essay Example This word is a combination of â€Å"Taino batata† which stands for the sweet potato and the â€Å"Quecha papa† which is the actual potato. Reportedly, it was first cultivated in Peru and Bolivia (Spooner, McLean, Ramsay, Waugh, and Bryan 14694). It is a tuber that usually grows up to about 24 inches or 60 centimetres. Like other tubers, potatoes’ formations are dependent on daylight hours (Amador, Bou, Martinez-Garcia, Monte, Rodriguea-Falcon, Russo, and Prat 38). However, this tendency has been controlled in several varieties. As stated by the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization in 2005, potato is the world’s fourth-largest agricultural yield. It is following other staple crops such as wheat, rice, and corn. In fact, the common individual eats up to 33 kilograms or 73 pounds of this root vegetable each year. Aside from food, potato can also be used in other ways. It has otherwise been employed in different merchandises such as alcoholic beve rages, adhesives, and even ointments. Regarding potatoes’ role in history, potatoes were one of the crops used to help keep soldiers fed during the American Civil War. Logistics showed that the different armies strived to have enough nutrition. This is depicted in the documentary film, The Civil War which was created by Ken Burns in 1990. The vegetable was usually served in small compressed cubes. Potatoes were particularly helpful in those rations since other kinds of food such as rice were frequently infested. This information is backed up by the history of rations prepared by the Quartermaster School of the United States Army Quartermaster Foundation. The notes show that a part of the civil war rations by congressional acts in 1860 and 1861 have included potatoes. The record stated that 7 ounces of potatoes per soldier was proportioned. The potato ration was then increased in the Spanish American war. Additionally, a memoir of a soldier documented some of their usual nouri shment. â€Å"Each battalion has its own galley, but chow on Pavuvu consisted mainly of heated C rations: dehydrated eggs, dehydrated potatoes, and that detestable canned meant called Spam† (Manchester 260). To make rations last longer, the usual perishable goods were preserved often through dehydration. Another anecdote is from Private Walter Carter, 22nd Massachusetts Regiment. He wrote from near Washington in September 1862, â€Å"This morning I went foraging, and got corn, potatoes, cabbages, beets, etc. to make a grand boiled dinner. It was a great treat, after living so long on nothing; it tasted like home. It is fun to see the boys roasting corn and potatoes, frying meat and making coffee. I can cook almost anything now in a rude way† (161). From the aforementioned statements, it is clear that the soldiers lived on potatoes among other kinds of food. Relatedly, potato is one of the central harvests that were maximized in World War I. The government produced pamp hlets such as â€Å"Without Wheat†, â€Å"Sweets without Sugar†, and â€Å"Potato Possibilities†. These propagandas aimed to conserve resources for those fighting in the battle fields. The pamphlets were issued by the Federal Board of New York and supported by the United States Food Administration. The four-paged-pamphlet introduced potato as a â€Å"staff of life†, the introductions were written as: â€Å"It furnishes fuel for the body. It gives mineral salts which help to keep the blood in good condition. It is easily digested. It is a good food all

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Ethics and Morality Aspects Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Ethics and Morality Aspects - Essay Example And these laws are scattered in over 50 titles of the United States Code, encompassing roughly 27,000 pages" (Rosenzweig, 2003). The criminal laws now deal with even minor offenses like spitting on the street, swearing, behavior in public places etc. These laws also deal with sexual offenses or behavior that over the years has evolved. The issues of 'White Collar crimes' that must have been dealt by specialized civil laws are now the part of the criminal laws. Similarly the street laws that should have been enforced by the state laws are also now part of the federal criminal laws. Criticism is hurled in the way of such legislations that they are most of the times too harsh on crimes committed by citizens. Over criminalization, is considered to be more politically motivated. These laws seem to be an attempt by politicians and federal bureaucrats to deal with crime rates. Instead of emphasizing the protection of individual rights, it preserves the political interests of the state and certain majority groups. The nature of such laws is such that it could lead to the misuse of criminal laws. The plummeted growth of such federal criminal laws has given way to a debate that over criminalization has resulted in crisis situation in America. Ethics and morality aspects come under discussion when the topic of over criminalization is debated. ... According to the Right theory philosophers, what makes human beings different from mere animals or inanimate things is that people have dignity based on their ability to choose freely what they will do with their lives, and they have a fundamental moral right to have these choices respected. According to them, people are not objects to be manipulated and it is a violation of human dignity to use people in ways they do not freely choose. There are certain ethical theories that grant people deviate in certain circumstance. For example telling a lie is considered ethically and morally wrong. In certain circumstances a person can lie to save one's own or some other person's life. If there was a law to regulate lying then that person would get caught. Laws in situations that involve moral or ethical issues can make things more complicated. Ethics and morality standards also vary from one person to another. Showing public affection for one person is ok but for another it is ethically incorrect. It is therefore hard to generalize one ethical standard on every person particularly with respect to issues related to people's personal choices. Rights under Constitution American constitution provides its countrymen the right of freedom of expression under its laws. Americans are of the view that this right of freedom is not just related to speech and writing but they can express themselves in any way possible. They believe they can do what they want and these are the rights people want to exercise when they confront strict laws that they think at times restricts their privacy and freedom of expression. In this regard, it would be necessary to mention the clauses invoked to support the point of

Sunday, October 27, 2019

A Look At Superstition And Religion

A Look At Superstition And Religion Superstitions are very common. A superstitious person, knowing that there is something higher than he cannot control, believes in the existence of supernatural forces. Superstition arose from a sense of powerlessness to make contact with God. Therefore, a man creates his own religion in which he tries to see certain and clear logic of supernatural forces around him or influence them through his own behavior. Superstition is a credulous notion, which is a belief in a prediction of our future and an impact on it through the use of any supernatural forces. It contains an assumption, often unconscious, that with the help of these forces it is possible to achieve a compromise, which is acceptable for a man. Superstition usually manifests itself in reduced forms of a ritual at the behavioral level: the use of mascots, tattoos, magical gestures, etc. A special place occupies different signs and superstitious beliefs: certain events are attributed to prognostic significance. There are four main types of superstitions that include: Pagan superstitions, which are directly connected with a pagan anti-Christian worldview. They have their origins in the polytheistic religions that deny the existence of God, and reject the Creator of the world; Occultism, in turn, elevates to a deity some hidden forces, and attributes them the ability to change a persons life; Folk superstitions differ from pagan ones that they do not represent a holistic pagan worldview, but exist fragmentarily and separately, not included in any complete system of the world outlook; Ecclesiastical superstitions are expressed in the use of religious rituals in pagan rites or vice versa. The examples of superstitions in American culture are the following ones: Some common good luck superstitions: You will get good luck, if you take your stand on your shadow; If you find a horseshoe that was lost by someone, it will bring you good luck; You will have good luck, if you find a clover with four leaves. Some common bad luck superstitions: The family will fall ill, if a cat sneezes no more than three times; If a black cat crosses your road, it brings you bad luck; You will have bad luck, if you spill salt. Religion is a special form of the worlds awareness, caused by the belief in the supernatural forces, which include a set of moral norms and behaviors, rituals, cult actions and unite people in an organization (for example, a church or a religious community). In addition, religion is a mans worldview (or a certain group of people), which is based on the belief in something supernatural, unexplainable. In every religion, there are certain rules of behaviors to be followed by the adherents, as well as the purpose for which people follow the tenets of that religion. In this part of the paper, let us discuss and explain two different types of religions, such as Catholicism and Protestantism. Catholicism: the faith is based on the Bible and Holy Tradition, which includes decrees of the Ecumenical Councils. Celibacy is compulsory for priests and bishops. A sign of the cross most often is executed by five fingers as a symbol of the five wounds of Christ. Catholics believe that the dead return home and sometime visit their living relatives in a day of commemoration. People, who are stingy to the funeral repast, are punished by loss of cattle, fire, etc. There is a custom to paint eggs at Easter, as well as to bake cakes. Then these cakes are sanctified, and they are considered to be a symbol of this holiday. When people swim in an ice-hole during Epiphany, it helps him to be cleansed of his sins. It is prohibited to scorch the bottom of the candle when it is inserted into a candlestick. It is motivated as follows: Thus, a person burns the feet of Christ. Protestantism: Protestants believe that a person can receive forgiveness of sins by a faith in Jesus Christ (by a faith in His death for the sins of all people and in His resurrection from the dead). The Bible is the most supreme and final authority on all issues affecting the mankind in its development. In addition, Protestants do not see any point in prayers for the dead, saints, and many holidays in their honor. Protestants, in comparison with other Christians, pay very much attention to speaking in tongues (glossolalia) (they consider it to be a sign of Baptism of the Holy Spirit), and to other gifts of the Holy Spirit, such as the gift of healing and prophecy. There is no doubt that there are some differences and similarities between superstition and religion. Let us discuss superstition and religion from the standpoint of an emic and etic prospective. Different religions are born with the help of peoples faith in something supernatural. They pass this belief on from one generation to another within their family. For instance, we can often hear that different illnesses of a religious person were cured with the help of many prayers. The illness disappeared by the effect of a prayer. In fact, there are no logical and right explanations about this event. The religious people can call it a miracle. In turn, some philosophers would name it superstition. Superstition is influenced by some irrational beliefs, such as the reverence of different things, black cats. The things of this nature is a peculiar fear that people believe and carry that if they face with those things, that probably something unhappier and bad will affect them. Thus, it can be considered to be a religion, but it is a kind of false and incorrect worship. Ethnocentrism is a view of society, in which a certain group is central, and all other groups are compared and related to it. Levine and Campbell emphasized that the attitudes include seeing ones own group (the in-group) as virtuous and superior, ones own standards of value as universal, and out-groups as contemptible and inferior (qtd. in Hammond and Axelrod 926). Cultural relativism is opposite to ethnocentrism. The basis of cultural relativism is the assertion that members of one social group cannot understand the motives and values of other groups, if they analyze these motives and values according to their own culture. In summary, it is possible to conclude that both superstition and religion are powerful notions, even if they have some similarities between each other, they are not common things and act and operate separately and independently from each other.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Legacy of the Mafia Minstel Show :: Essays Papers

The Legacy of the Mafia Minstel Show After my Grandfather died in the late 1960's, my Grandmother came to live with us for a short time. It was a wonderful way to learn about my heritage and I got to listen to her stories about when my Father was growing up in San Francisco. I remember a story she told me about when my Dad was around eight years old, about the same time Little Caesar was in the movie theaters. One day he came home from school and told my Grandmother that some kid at school told him that all Italians were cutthroats. My Grandmother got very upset and told him to ignore comments like that, that all it did was reveal the ignorance of the person making that remark, and to always take pride in who you are and your Italian heritage. My Dad looked at my Grandmother and very innocently asked her, "Ma, what's a cutthroat?" Zoom forward around 70 years. My daughter comes homes from school, about the same time The Sopranos was released on HBO, complaining that some kids at school were teasing her and calling her "Mafia Girl." I wish I could say that things have gotten better for Italian Americans and how they are portrayed in popular television and film in the last 70 years, but unfortunately I think it has actually gotten worse. What I call the Mafia Minstrel Show, actors in olive skin face playing mobster for the benefit of those people who lust for violence and racism, is now as insidious as lice. Thanks to our friends at HBO, the Mafia Minstrel Show has been legitimized as a mainstream genre, not unlike westerns or love stories. So why has the Mafia Minstrel Show survived for the past 70 years? It is very simple, IT MAKES MONEY!!!!! I remember reading the obituary for Mario Puzo. It listed the sales of his books, his wonderful novel about Italian American immigrants, The Fortunate Pilgrim, ha d sold maybe 10,000 copies and The Godfather, a novel that featured the Mafia Minstrel Show, had sold 15 million copies. Mario Puzo, a man who admitted he had never known a gangster before he wrote The Godfather, obviously was given a lot of cash to write a novel about the Mafia Minstrel Show.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Clinical Research Industry Issues Essay

Services in the business sector becomes troublesome when customers seem to act too superior when dealing with the company’s employees (Bassett 25). Companies which disseminate excellent customer service definitely excel in the market (Bassett 26). There are plenty of physicians who run out of patients to treat, and still, there are a lot of patients who search for the right physicians (Rizzo & Sindelar 968). Physicians enter into a competitive market within the consumer population by trying to put the best medical practices forward in the market of consumer population (Rizzo & Sindelar 968). These medical practices are what make the physicians stand out among the patients (Rizzo & Sindelar 968). Patients may decide to seek the services of a different physician due to relocation reasons (Rizzo & Sindelar 968). Patients also may change the physician that they are seeing due to the fact that their previous physician is not able to disseminate the quality level of services that the patients are seeking (Rizzo & Sindelar 968). Wider government services are of no use to be implemented as aid to pharmaceutical operations if the pharmaceutical industry would not adjust its degree of services to public needs (Olson 304). The pharmaceutical industry needs to work hand in hand with other health care provider companies so that it would be able to improve its services to the public (Olson 304). The pharmaceutical industry needs to work more closely with physicians in order to better improve its services. The pharmaceutical industries would be able to obtain advice from physicians regarding the following matters: Clinical Research Industry Issues 3 1. The rampant illnesses that patients possess. 2. The common types of medications that patients are prescribed to. With this information gathered by the pharmaceutical establishments from physicians, the pharmaceutical establishments may be able to provide better services to the patients. Literature Review 2. Ethical And Policy Issues In Research Involving Human Participants It is of utmost importance that the welfare or well-being of the human participants be given consideration when conducting a research (Jones 97). It is required that every researcher declare the progress of his/her report to a research study agency as outlined in a particular research’s ethical guidelines (Jones 97). 3. Research Involving Persons With Mental Disorders That May Affect Decision- Making-Capacity Researches on the origins of mental disorders refer to neurobiological elements as their causes (Walsh, Green, Matthews & Puerto 43). Sixty one percent of the participants that have been studied on these researches unanimously states that a person with a high level of mental illness inherits the illness from a mentally ill parent (Walsh, Green, Matthews & Puerto 43). 4. Bias In Pharmaceutical Sponsored (Funded) Clinical Trials Clinical Research Industry Issues 4 The pharmaceutical industry may become biased when sponsoring clinical trials. They may actually tamper with the results of the clinical trials to make it appear that the participants are sick even when they are not, just to increase the pharmaceutical industry’s sales. 5. Relationship Between Clinical Investigators And The Pharmaceutical Industry At times, the executives of the pharmaceutical industries bribe the clinical investigators in order to tamper with the results of the clinical trials. This is an unethical and legally violating event that takes place sometimes 6. Corporate Hand In Clinical Trials And Their Contracts With Medicine Academia The corporations usually consult the medicine academia for sources and aid in order to facilitate their clinical trials at the highest level of quality. Clinical Research Industry Issues 5 References: Bassett, G. (1992). Operations Management For Service Industries : Competing In The Service Era. Westport: Quorum Books. Rizzo, J. A. & Sindelar, J. L. (2002). Optimal Regulation Of Multiply-Regulated Industries : The Case Of Physician Services. Southern Economic Journal, 62: 968. Walsh, J. , Green, R. , Matthews, J. & Puerto, B. B. (2005). Social Workers’ Views Of The Etiology Of Mental Disorders: Results Of A National Study. Social Work , 50: 43.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Implementing Comprehensive Human Resources Essay

Objective †¢ Human resources policies and practices should reduce the human risk factors in information technology (IT) security and information access controls. Decrease the risk of theft, fraud or misuse of information facilities by employees, contractors and third-party users. Scope †¢ the organization’s human resources policies, taken as a whole, should extend to all the persons within and external to the organization that do (or may) use information or information processing facilities. This could include: * tailoring requirements to be suitable for particular roles within the organization for which persons are considered; * ensuring that persons fully understand the security responsibilities and liabilities of their role(s); * ensuring awareness of information security threats and concerns, and the necessary steps to mitigate those threats; and   Providing all persons to support organizational privacy and security policies in the course of their normal work, through appropriate training and awareness programs that reduce human error; and ensuring that persons exit the organization, or change employment responsibilities within the organization, in an orderly manner. Roles and responsibilities †¢ Security roles and responsibilities of employees, contractors and third-party users should be defined and documented in accordance with the organization’s information privacy and security policies. This could include: * To act in accordance with the organization’s policies, including execution of all processes or activities particular to the individual’s role(s); * To protect all information assets from unauthorized access, use, modification, disclosure, destruction or interference; * To report security events, potential events, or other risks to the organization and its assets * Assignment of responsibility to individuals for actions taken or, where appropriate, responsibility for actions not taken, along with appropriate sanctions formal. Procedures and policies To be implementing in any IT domain controls by the organization. * Proper password security * Properly managing log files * Easily accessible network flow diagrams * Secure firewall rule sets * Handle security incidents * Secure data classifications * Limited employee access dangerous websites Policies that will accepted by the organization and needs to be implementing ASAP. Acceptable Use Policy | | Password Policy | Backup Policy | | Network Access Policy | Incident Response Policy | | Remote Access Policy | Virtual Private Network (VPN) Policy | | Guest Access Policy | Wireless Policy | | Third Party Connection Policy | Network Security Policy | | Encryption Policy | Confidential Data Policy | | Data Classification Policy | Mobile Device Policy | | Retention Policy | Outsourcing Policy | | Physical Security Policy | E-mail Policy | | | Terms and conditions of employment †¢ Employees, contractors, and third party users should agree to and sign a statement of rights and responsibilities for their affiliation with the organization, including rights and responsibilities with respect to information privacy and security. This statement could include specification of: * the scope of access and other privileges the person will have, with respect to the organization’s information and information processing facilities; * The person’s responsibilities, under legal-regulatory-certificatory requirements and organizational policies, specified in that or other signed agreements. * Responsibilities for classification of information and management of organizational information facilities that the person may use. * Procedures for handling sensitive information, both internal to the organization and that received from or transferred to outside parties. Responsibilities that extend outside the organization’s boundaries (e.g., for mobile devices, remote access connections and equipment owner by the organization. * The organization’s responsibilities for handing of information related to the person him/herself, generated in the course of an employment, contractor or other third party relationship. * An organizational code of conduct or code of ethics to the employee, contractor or third party. * Actions that can be anticipated, under the organization’s disciplinary process, as a consequence  of failure to observe security requirements. Additional pre-employment agreements †¢ Where appropriate, employees, contractors and third-party users should be required to sign, prior to being given access or other privileges to information or information processing facilities, additional: * confidentiality or non-disclosure agreements (see Confidentiality agreements); and/or * Acceptable use of assets agreements. Management responsibilities †¢ Management should require employees, contractors and third party users to apply security controls in accordance with established policies and procedures of the organization. This could include: * appropriately informing all employees, contractors and third party users of their information security roles and responsibilities, prior to granting access to sensitive information or information systems using Terms and conditions of employment. * providing all employees, contractors and third parties with guidelines/rules that state the security expectations of their roles within the organization; * achieving an appropriate level of awareness of security controls among all employees, contractors and third parties, relevant to their roles and responsibilities, * achieving an appropriate level of skills and qualifications, sufficient to execute those security controls. Assuring conformity to the terms and conditions of employment related to privacy and security; * motivating adherence to the privacy and security policies of the organization, such as with an appropriate sanctions policy; and * Mitigating the risks of a failure to adhere to policies, by ensuring that all persons have appropriately-limited access to the organization’s information and information facilities (see Authentication and access control). Information security awareness, education and training †¢ All employees of the organization, and, where relevant, contractors and third party users, should receive appropriate awareness training in and regular updates of organizational policies and procedures relevant to their job functions. This could include: * A formal training process that includes information privacy and security training, prior to being granted access to information or information systems. * Ongoing training in security control requirements, legal-regulatory -certificatory responsibilities, and generally accepted security procedures, suitable to the person’s rules and responsibilities. Disciplinary process †¢ There should be a formal disciplinary process for employees who have committed a security breach. This could include requirements for: * appropriate evidentiary standards to initiate investigations (e.g., â€Å"reasonable suspicion† that a breach has occurred); * appropriate investigatory processes, including specification of roles and responsibilities, standards for collection of evidence and chain of custody of evidence; * disciplinary proceedings that observe reasonable requirements for due process and quality of evidence; * reasonable evidentiary and burden-of-proof standards to determine fault, that ensure correct and fair treatment for persons suspected of a breach; and * sanctions that appropriately take into consideration factors such as the nature and gravity of the breach, its impact on operations, whether it is a first or repeat offense, whether or not the violator was appropriately trained, whether or not the violator exercised due care or exhibited negligence. Termination responsibilities †¢ Responsibilities and practices for performing employment termination or change of employment should be clearly defined and assigned. This could include: * termination processes that ensure removal of access to all information resources (see also Removal of access rights); * changes of responsibilities and duties within the organization processed as a termination (of the old position) and re-hire (to the new position), using standard controls for those processes unless otherwise indicated; * processes ensuring that other employees, contractors and third parties are appropriately informed of a person’s changed status; and any post-employment responsibilities are specified in the terms and conditions of employment, or a contractor’s or third party’s contract. Return of assets †¢ All employees, contractors and third parties should return all of the organization’s information and physical assets in their possession upon termination of the employment relationship or contract. This could include: * where the employee, contractor or third party uses personal equipment, requirements for secure erasure of software and data belonging to the organization. Removal of access rights †¢ Access rights to information and information processing facilities should be removed upon termination of the employment or contractual relationship. This could include: * changes of employment or contractual status include removal of all rights associated with prior roles and duties, and creation of rights  appropriate to the new roles and duties; * removal or reduction of access rights in a timely fashion; and * Removal or reduction of access rights prior to the termination, where risks indicate this step to be appropriate (e.g., where termination is initiated by the organization, or the access rights involve highly sensitive information or facilities. Bibliography Custom Security 2012. (accessed 10 20, 2013). Ledanidze, Evgeny. Guide to Developing a Cyber Security and Risk Mitigation Plan. 2011. (accessed 10 20, 2013). Risk Mitigation Planning Including Contingencies. (accessed 10 20, 2013).